MCU Timeline Explained


Since Spiderman Homecoming, a conundrum has transpired. Now the MCU timeline has been altered, but who did this and when did it happen. I believe I have found the answer to these questions. There has to be a reason that on September 2017 in the MCU; Spider-Man’s battle with Adrian Toomes; takes place eight years after the battle of New York, even though it supposedly happened in 2012.  Now my theory can be wrong because I have not seen the secret scroll the Marvel executives have made for the MCU timeline. However, after watching every movie and analyzing every detail and subtle nuance. I scoured the internet and applied both math and logic, to present a very plausible MCU Timeline. 

Pre Phase: MCU History


13,820,000,000 B.C.     Origin of the Infinity Stones: Before the inception of the Universe, six singularities existed. The Cosmic Entities transformed them into six powerful Infinity Stones : Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Soul and Time.

13,819,999,999 B.C.:     Birth of a Celestial: Ego is born, a brain like being known as a Celestial.

13,772,000,000 B.C.-13,771,000,099 B.C.      The Orb (Power Stone)The Celestial Esnon The Searcher, Wielder of the Power Stone, imposes his will upon enemy civilizations. After prolonged exposure to the Infinity Stone, Esnon is overwhelmed by the force of the Power Stone. In order to avoid being consumed and to conceal it’s power he encases it in an Orb. Enson hides the stone in the Temple Vault on Morag.

13,771,000,099 B.C. – 761,000,099 B.C.         The Living Planet:  Ego creates layers of matter around himself that eventually forms into a planet. He then creates a humanoid form and searches the cosmos. Eventually, he begins planting seeds within many of these worlds with the intent of using them to wipe out all life until only he remains. He continues his journey through the cosmos creating progeny.

26,000 B.C.- 22,000 B.C.          Inhuman OriginsWith the intentions of elevating their position in the war against their enemies, a rogue Kree faction voyages to numerous planets.  They conduct experimentations to genetically alter several sentient life forms; in order to create biological weapons. One of the planets visited was Earth, and the Kree’s experiments produce genetically altered primitive humans. When these “humans” were deemed in a suitable state for the war, the Kree then expose them to Terrigen Mist. This activates their dormant genetic ability of Terrigenesis; a process which imbues the subject with a power unique to them and turns them into Inhumans. The Kree construct the Diviners, containment devices built to hold Terrigen Crystals. The Kree hierarchy discovers the faction’s illegal activities and the operation is abandoned. The Kree disperse from Earth, leaving behind six Diviners.

9,000 B.C. – 8,900 B.C.            The Birth of HydraThe Kree then create the immensely powerful Alveus, with the purpose of dominating the rest of his race, and claiming Earth. However their plan backfires when their creation overpowers them and exiles them from the planet. The inhabitants of earth, were severely afraid of his powers,  the united and banished him to a distant planet through a Kree Monolith. The followers of the banished tyrant founded Hydra.

5,823 B.C.        Inception of Kamar-TajAgamotto forms the Masters of the Mystic Arts, a group dedicated to learning Magic in order to safeguard the Earth from inter-dimensional evils. Their base is the Kamar-Taj where time is slower since it houses the Eye of Agamotto (the Time Stone).

2,988 B.C.           Battle of Svartalfheim: During the Convergence; the Dark Elves led by Malekith, use the Aether (Reality Stone) to plunge the world back into darkness . Odin’s father King Bor and the Asgardians defend the nine realms from oblivion and defeat Malekith. The Aether is confiscated and hidden by Bor, however Malekith manages to retreat with some of his fellow dark elves.

2,800 B.C.             Rise of The Hand: The Hand discovers a ritual that bestows upon them, the power of immortality. They commence their conquest of East Asia. A group called the Chaste rises against them and a rivalry of thousands of years begins.

965 B.C.  January 14           The Battle of Tønsberg: The Frost Giants of Jotunheim set out to conquer Midgard/Earth. They invade Tønsberg, Norway. King Odin hears of the attack, and assembles his army to prepare for battle.

965 B.C August 3            Battle of Jotunheim: Odin leads his Asgardian army in an epic battle against the Jotuns, to hault their invasion and protect Midgard.  The Frost Giants retreat back to their realm, where Odin discovers an abandoned Loki and adopts him. He later negotiates and creates a treaty with Jotunheim’s king, Laufey.

May 25, 1941 – March 5, 1945            The First Avenger:  The ex-nazi; Red Skull invades Tønsberg and retrieves a deadly glow in the dark cube. The cube is called the Tesseract and is also the primordial Space Stone. He  then takes the Space Stone and weaponizes it to wage war on both the Axis and Allied powers of World War II.  Meanwhile in America Steve; a scrawny 5’4″ tall 94 lb. young man from Brooklyn with a heart of a hero, enlist the Army and meets Dr. Albert Erskine and joins Project Rebirth. He receives an enhanced physique becoming a total beefcake, and has kick-ass abilities, after being exposed to the Super Soldier Serum and Vita Radiation. He becomes a 6’2″ 220 lb. soldier; known as Captain America. He changes the world and inspires many heroes, after taking on the Nazis and Hydra. He ultimately prevents Red Skull from global domination, however; he sacrifices himself and is frozen under water for in a cryogenic state.

September 2, 1947            Birth of  S.H.I.E.L.D.: Out of the SSR a new extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency; is formed by Colonel Chester Phillips, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter. The intelligent agency is called Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. This organization continues the war against the remaining factions of Hydra, and protect the world from similar threats.

1980’s                       Tales to Astonish: Hank Pym discovers and creates Pym Particles and becomes the Ant Man. He becomes one of the most legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and renown scientist. He is also joined by his wife Janet Van Dyne; who becomes The Wasp. During a mission to stop a Soviet ICBM, The Wasp sacrifice her self by shrinking into sub-atomic size and disappears into the Quantum Realm. He resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D., then confronts the agency for attempting to steal his Pym Particles.


Phase 1: Dawn of Heroes

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April 16, 2005         Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project: In an attempt to replicate the results of Project Rebirth, the United States armed forces recruit Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. A combination of Gamma Radiation and the serum Betty Ross developed based on Abraham Erskine’s Super Soldier Serum results in the accident that turns Bruce Banner into Hulk.

January 26, 2008- April 27, 2008          Birth of Iron Man:   The day after Pepper Potts birthday. Tony Stark is set up by Obadiah Stane to be assassinated by the Raza of the Ten Rings. During the three months of captivity in Afghanistan, Tony is operated on and recovers from a near fatal injury. He also builds his first Iron Man suit.  

May, 4 2008 – September 24, 2008                  I am Iron Man:    Pepper helps Tony switch his arc reactor, with a new one he designed. We get an 11 day jump during Tony’s tinkering of the thruster technology. A few days after building his Mark 2 armor; he sees a news report about the third annual benefit for the firefighter’s family fund, the reporter states he has believed to have been bedridden for weeks. Now at this benefit Agent Coulson sets up a meeting for the 24th.  Pepper Potts extracts the files Obadiah was hiding; she bumps into Agent Coulson on her way out and he says “ you remember we have a meeting scheduled” Iron Man then battles and defeats the Iron Monger. The next day Tony against Agent Coulson’s wishes announces to the whole world he is Iron Man.

September 2008 – November 24, 2008 –       Rise of Whiplash:   Ivan Vanko’s father dies while watching a recording of  Tony revealing himself as Iron Man. Tony Stark takes out several terrorist factions in the middle east, and becomes Time magazine’s Man of The Year.  Vanko builds his own arc reactor and wages war on Stark.

February 25, 2009                     Banner Discovered: 158 days since his last hulk transformation, Bruce Banner has an accident that causes a drop of his blood to fall into a soda bottle that is drank by Stan Lee. This causes the Lieutenant General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross to locate and set out to apprehend him.

May 10, 2009       Ambush in Rio de Janeiro: Thaddeus Ross’ unit led by Emil Blonsky, track down Bruce Banner to the bottling factory. They cause him to transform into the Hulk, who defeats the task force and escapes. He sets out to to find a cure for the Hulk transformations.

May, 24 2009 – May 29, 2009             When Gods Bleed:   Tony Stark brings back The Stark Expo made famous by his father Howard. He then makes Pepper the CEO of Stark Industries and meets Natasha Romanoff, who is undercover as his assistant. The day after he races in the Monaco Gran Prix and battles Whiplash. Facing his mortality he gets drunk during his birthday party and acts dangerously immature; until Rhodes aka War Machine confiscates one of his suits and beats some sense into him.

June 4, 2009- June 5, 2009           Fall From Grace: During Thor’s coronation ceremony the Frost Giants break into the treasure room, Thor sees this as declaration of war. Against Odin’s wishes he attacks the Jotuns and causes the treaty between the two kingdoms to be broken. Endangering his kingdom and his people to war Odin strips Thor of his power and banishes him to Midgard.

June 5, 2009 – June 12, 2009      Fury’s Big Week: Tony discovers a new element after meeting with Nick Fury and finding out Natalie is the Black Widow. He battles Whiplash with the help of War Machine at the Stark Expo. Meanwhile Thor assimilates to life on Midgard and becomes worthy of Mjolnir once more. He battles the Destoyer with the help of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Banner seemingly finds a cure but unleashes the Hulk once more when Emil Blonsky becomes the Abomination and attacks Harlem.

June 16 2010- July 6 2010              Battle of New York: Captain America is found and defrosted, he is welcomed to the Modern Day by Nick Fury.  Few weeks later Loki steals the Tesseract which causes Nick Fury to assemble the Avengers. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow join forces to take down Loki and stop the Chitauri Invasion in the Battle of New York.




Phase 2: Age of Heroes



July 2010-  July  2011            Coulson’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:  Phil Coulson is resurrected and recovers from fatal injury, by a procedure performed at Project T.A.H.I.T.I..  Nick Fury task Agent Phil Coulson to form a clandestine S.H.I.E.L.D. team, to investigate the cases S.H.I.E.L.D. had not yet classified. The team consist of Melinda May, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. On their first mission; investigating Deathlok they encounter a hacker by the name of Skye. She eventually joins the team.

 August 9, 2011-  August 16, 2011      Dark World: The Convergence happens once again awakening Malekith and unleashing the Aether (Reality Stone); which possesses Jane Foster’s body. After a year of bringing order to the realm Thor seeks news on Jane Foster from Heimdall, who cannot seem to find her. Thor goes to Earth and brings Jane back to Asgard, Odin tells them she has the Aether in her and she is very dangerous. The Dark Elves lays siege to Asgard in search for the Aether, Kurse and Malekith kill Freyda in the process. Against Odin’s wishes Thor sets out to destroy the Aether and vengeance for his mother; with the help of Loki.  Loki sacrifices himself to defeat Kurse then in an intense battle across the realms Odinson defeats the dark elf leader. Thor relinquishes the rights to the throne of Asgard to Odin. Unbeknownst to him, it was really Loki disguised as the All-Father. I believe that the Aether altered reality; bringing Peter Parker and many others into the MCU.

August 2011 – February 2012          The Index: After the Battle of Greenwich Coulson’s team was sent to London to cleanup the pieces of Dark Elf technology left behind after the battle between Thor and Malekith. A group of Norse worshippers find an Asgardian artifact known as the Berserker Staff, the agents manage to stop them from unleash chaos. They continue their missions encountering new enhanced individuals along the way, while battling with the Centipede Project and stop world ending events.

December 16, 2012 – December 27, 2012       The Iron Legion: Tony has created Iron Legion to protect those that he loves, but has become so absorbed in his work he hasn’t stopped tinkering since the Battle of New York. He displays offset PTSD, during this a terrorist know as the Mandarin has risen to challenge the US government. The real villain is revealed as Aldrich Killian, creator of Extremis. Extremis is a serum that has been causing these explosions. Tony along with his Iron Legion, Pepper and Rhodey defeat the “Mandarin”.

January 2013- March 2013       Mercenaries and Asgardians: Coulson’s Team goes up against the technology company that created the Deathlok Program, Cybertek. After battling ruthless mercenaries they capture and arrest Ian Quinn with the help of Skye. A few months later the villainous Asgardian named Lorelei arrives on Earth and starts to murder and manipulate the inhabitants of Midgard. They are assisted by Lady Sif in returning Lorelei back to Asgard.

March 31 2013- April 5 2013                   Fall of S.H.I.EL.D.: Hydra has infiltrated every facet of S.H.I.EL.D. and world governments.Captain America with the help of Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Black Widow, and Falcon prevent Hydra and their lead assassin the Winter Soldier; from causing genocide to the world populace. The Winter Soldier is revealed as Bucky Barnes who supposedly had died trying to stop the Red Skull. Instead he was brainwashed into the ultimate assassin. After the Battle at the Triskelion S.H.I.EL.D.  is dismantled. This is the juncture where the heroes begin operating outside government supervision.

January 2014                  The Purple Man: After months of being Killgrave’s puppet, Jessica begin to show signs of breaking the control he has over her. Unfortunately Jessica Jones kills Luke Cage’s wife while under the mind control of Killgrave. Guilt driven Jessica finally snaps out of his influence and leaves Killgrave to get hit by a bus and die. He lives but makes sure he is thought dead by Jessica Jones.

February 2014                      Vigilante of Hell’s Kitchen: After failing to seek justice through the judicial system lawyer Matt Murdock resorts to vigilantism. He dawns a mask then beats a man nearly to death after the criminal evades being convicted for abusing his daughter.

March, 2014                The Power Man: After being wrongfully convicted and sentenced to Seagate Prison; Luke Cage begins to fight in the prison guard’s fighting ring. After being severally injured Luke Cage is experimented on and receives super-strength and impenetrable skin.

August 1, 2014- October 25, 2014           The Guardians:     The Guardians of the Galaxy are formed after a group of ragtag mercenaries seek the Orb (the Power Stone). The group consist of Starlord former member of space thieves known as theRavagers, Gamora daughter of the Mad Titan Thanos, Drak the Destroyer and the mercenary duo of Rocket and Groot. Together they escape imprisonment and stop Ronan The Accuser from using the Orb. They develop a bond and become a family a through their journey’s through the galaxy. After Rocket steals Anulax Batteries from the Sovereign, they soon encounter Ego The Living Planet, who reveals himself as Starlord’s father. They are dysfunctional but manage to unite when the galaxy is threatened by Ego’s desire to turn every living thing in the universe into him. They defeat Ego, however Yondu sacrifices himself to save Peter Quill.

April 28 2015 – May 6, 2015                  Age of Ultron: The Avengers Assemble after Coulson discovers where Baron Von Strucker was hiding Loki’s Staff. They attack the Hydra Base encounter the Maximoff twins Petro and Wanda. Strucker used the staff (Mind Stone) to bestow upon the twins super powers. The Avengers successfully retrieve the staff and Tony uses the Mind Stone to create Ultron. Ultron decides humanity must bee annihilated in order for the world to be rebuilt. There is a quarrel amongst the team when Tony creates Vision, but Thor mediates and brings peace. The Avengers then do battle  against Ultron in Sokovia and defeat him, but at the cost of several casualties





Phase 3 Fall of Heroes



August 2015 – October 2015            Defenders Rise:        Jessica Jones becomes a detective in New York where she meets Luke Cage, reunites with her foster sister and best friend Trish Walker, and battles Killgrave who is still alive and corrupting the city. Daredevil continues to protect Hell’s Kitchen and fight crime. He battles Frank Castle and the Hand, also he is reunited with a ex-girlfriend Elektra. Meanwhile in Harlem Luke Cage rises to confront CottonMouth; with the help of Misty Knight. Frank Castle is freed from prison by Wilson Fisk; The Kingpin is using him as a weapon until he is released to cease control of Hell’s Kitchen. Luke discovers an old friend is really his brother and the enemy that has caused all his tribulations. Elektra is given a funeral after dying in the battle with the Hand and Frank Castle becomes the Punisher.

February 2016- June 2016             Mystic Fate: Stephen Strange is reveling in his success and has become very arrogant. On his way to a dinner engagement, he crashes and is severely injured. He wake up with his hands completely disabled and searches for a procedure to heal his hands.

.June 2016-  August 2016                      The Ant-Man: Scott Lang is released from prison. He attempts to lead a legit lifestyle but is dragged back into thievery. This time it’s for the greater good. Hank Pym has chosen him to become the new Ant Man. He trains and learns to be the Ant Man, he defeats the Avenger Falcon and stops the villainous Yellow Jacket from selling the Pym Particles on the black market.

August 2016October 2016                   The Iron Fist: Danny Rand comes back from his training as the Iron Fist. His billion dollar empire has been stolen from him but he is more concerned with his destiny to defeat the Hand.  He meets and befriends Colleen Wing and Claire Temple. They both help him battle  Madame Gao, Bushido and other top Hand members. He discovers that the full force of the Hand is even greater than what he could have imagined; and they are coming for New York.

Novmeber 2017           Defenders vs The Hand: Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, The Iron Fist, Stick, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and Misty Stone take on Elektra and the Five Fingers of The Hand

November 2016- February 2017         The Sorcerer Supreme: Doctor Strange learns the Mystic Arts quickly due to his photographic memory and the temporal difference at the Kamar-Taj. Doctor Strange use of the Time Gem to thwart his antagonists Kaecilius and Dormammu; breaks the space-time continuum causing Peter Parker to become Spider Man in the MCU.  Now in this timeline the little boy in Iron Man 2 in 2009, is Peter Parker. Captain America was found in 2009 before Fury’s big week. Loki attempts to retrieve the tesseract immediately after that week. The Battle of New York then happens in September 2009.

February 2017                  New HeroesFalcon looks to recruit Ant Man, the lady he is talking to; mentions three different heroes. “A man who jumps” which is Grasshopper, who uses a suit that provides the wearer super leaping capabilities. The suit was made by Roxxon Energy Corporation.  “A man who swings” which is Moon Knight, who received powers from Khonshu in Cairo Egypt, he is on the list for potential threats to Hydra mention by Jasper Sitwell. He uses his Truncheon as a grappling hook in order to swing. Last but not least we have ” A man who crawls walls” who is non other than Spider Man.

May 2017 – June 2017                Civil War: After an attack in Lagos, Nigeria, the government decide to obligate the Avengers to work under government supervision and jurisdiction. Thunderbolt Ross presents the Sokovia Accords and informs the Avengers they must sign or retire. This splits the team up into two factions, meanwhile Buck Barnes is framed for murdering T’Challa the Black Panther’s’s father. This event causes Captain America to come in direct conflict with the government, since he decides to help Bucky believing him innocent. Every thing escalates into a big battle between heroes at an airport in Germany, it ends with War Machine being severely injured and Cap’s Avengers being imprisoned in The Raft. Steve Rodgers finds out Barnes was framed by Baron Zemo. Baron Zemo’s plan to destroy the Avengers through schism is some what effective but ultimately fails. Steve resigns as Captain America and continues to operate outside the law. (Side Note….When Vision says ” In the years Tony Stark announced himself as Iron Man” He isn’t indicating that Civil War takes place 8 years after I am Iron Man. He is only giving an analysis  of the data compiled yearly, meaning in 2009 you get the complete Index of 2008. So in 2017 he has the analysis of the last eight years from 2008-2016 .)

August 2017- September 2017                       Homecoming: Eight years after the Battle of New York and two months after Civil War; Peter Parker adjust to his new suit and new life as a vigilante. He however becomes over zealous with his heroism as he desires to become a full fledged Avenger. His eagerness to prove himself brings him in direct conflict with Adrian Toomes aka the Vulture. Vulture steals highly advanced weaponry and sells on the underground market. Tony however doesn’t want Peter to make the same mistakes he has or worse die while trying to be the hero. After the Skirmish on the Staten Island Ferry, Tony strips Peter of his suit. Even without the high-tech suit Spider Man proves himself when he stops the Vulture’s heist of Stark Cargo Plane. He is offered full membership to the Avengers but declines it as he know prefers to be a friendly neighborhood Spider Man.

That is it so far, maybe we will receive a better explanation for Spiderman’s 8yr later time stamp in future movies but for now we will have to wait. Check out Talking Spoilers: Spider-Man Homecoming Pot-cast.



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